Multi-Purpose Laser Machine
The FlexPro® laser system provides the speed of galvanometer processing with the versatility of an XY motion system.
Laser kiss-cutting is used to cut the top layer of material without cutting through an attached material. Sticker labels are a good example of laser kiss cutting in action. In this process, the outline of the label can be cut without cutting the release or backing material. Typically, C02 lasers are used for kiss-cutting applications. Laser kiss cutting can also be combined with perforating or “through cutting” on a single application.
Preco's advanced control software will optimize the web speed during job changeovers of laser-cut labels to maximize system productivity. The order change is accomplished via a bar code.
Just some of the advantages of kiss-cutting with a Preco-made machine.
The FlexPro® laser system provides the speed of galvanometer processing with the versatility of an XY motion system.
The Mini FlexPro® laser processing system offers innovative solutions for high-speed laser processing of flexible circuits.
The WebPro Series of digital laser cutting systems are rapidly re-configured for changing job requirements.
The Wide WebPro Series is a wide web-based, traveling head laser systems for roll-to-roll or roll-to-discrete part processing.
FlashLite G Modules provide high-speed, laser processing for through cutting, kiss-cutting and perforating.
The ZonePro series has the ability to add scoring or perforating features within a defined width or "zone" across the flexible packaging material.
The Cross Web Series was designed to laser perforate, score and cut shapes or lines on-the-fly across the web.
Designed for laser micro-perforating, scoring and microwave venting in the web direction with high-speed capabilities.
FlashLite Modules offer laser scoring and laser micro-perforating for easy-open, easy-fill and easy breathe packaging.